Saturday, September 22, 2007

Working my way back into my class condition

I still am not quite's kinda troubling, considering how much is left to complete.
My first 2 weeks contribution to the class was fairly received..I feel a lil better. I have chosen my topic to research; IT & Meteorology. I am very interested in the weather phenoms & i have found some great research material, now it's all on me to make this venture a great success.
for next week I mustprepare a letterof recommendation & a fictious diary - hell, 10 years from now I'll be winding down "my career" (4 a want of better words), but I'll need the developments of technology in order to properly monitor the functions of this blessed structure of mine. My day will be something like... rise, monitor, eat, exercise, eat, wander, sleep......Hell no!!!! it must be better Trevor; promise.